These PS Tools Will Make Your Portraits Stand Out

Simple portraits are beautiful and worthy of being shared online, but sometimes, they can look a bit boring. However, that doesn’t mean you need to delete every portrait that looks too dull. Knowing how to enhance simple photos will: Make you a better retoucher Inspire you to find beauty even in the most insignificant places Encourage you to get better at mastering simple themes and compositions Before you’re even tempted to delete that rich collection of simple portraits, try to enhance them using these incredible Photoshop tools. Patch Tool If you look closely, you’ll notice that a few of the model’s blemishes and neck wrinkles are gone. Even though the patch tool might seem like an insignificant part of Photoshop, it will make your editing workflow easier. This handy tool will patch up any blemishes on your model’s face. You can also use it to get rid of wrinkles, stray hairs, and facial hair . Simply draw over the area you’d like to fix ...