How To Capture Great Winter Portraits: Beginners Edition

In a previous article, we spoke a bit about how you can prepare yourself to carry out winter photography and pretty much not end up like a popsicle of have your camera destroyed by the elements. However, in this article, we will be discussing a step further as we dive into how you can create some amazing portraits in the winter that will make your viewers think its summer because of how hot the image is. That was probably a bad joke but without dragging this intro out any longer, let us begin. 1. Lens The first thing you need to consider before going outside to shoot is which lens to use. This is usually an easy process for me cause my go-to lens when it comes to portraits is the Canon 50mm f/1.4. It’s a beast when it comes to low light photography as well as capturing some pretty amazing portraits shots. My favorite thing about capturing portraits outdoors in the winter is that awesome evenly blurred background you get with all the snow in the back of your frame. If I, ...