How To Create A Painted Look For Your Images In Lightroom
Today let’s look at creating a painted look for your images in Lightroom. You can even save this as a Preset if you wish. I’ll be showing you how to create your own Lightroom Presets at the end of this tutorial. Ok cool, so let’s get cracking. First, let’s find ourselves a good landscape scene if you don’t have one from your own library. I get all my images from free stock sites such as pixabay and pexels. And here we go, I have my image. So get set up and import your image. If you don’t know how to do this take a quick look at this Lightroom Tutorial on the basics . By now you should have your image up and ready to go. Ok, now we are going to run through the first few things I generally do with every single image that I add to Lightroom. It’s my basic editing workflow just to start off with. Drop Highlights to -100 Increase Shadows to +100 Remember to use your judgment here. If it doesn’t look good and starts to look a bit underexpos...