
Showing posts with the label street photography

5 Common Mistakes Made In Street Photography

In my expert opinion, I would say that street photography is not one of the easiest genres of photography but it can produce so many great images. The best thing in street photography is that everything is captured in real time and cannot be faked or replicated more than once. Each image has its own unique style, meaning, and elements in the frame. Street photography can also be subjective to where you live, for example, if you live in a city or suburbs. You will find that photographers who live close to a city are capable of capturing more captivating street shots than those who live in a suburban area. In this article, I will be sharing with you the top 5 mistakes that are commonly made in street photography and how to correct them. Some of these mistakes were even made by me as a beginner and sometimes even now as a professional so I urge you not to feel embarrassed or discouraged because none of us are actually perfect at what we do. 1. Letting Fear Get The Best Of You Most