How to Edit Your Images Faster: 6 RAW Processing Tips
When you’re editing thousands of photos for clients every single week, time is quite literally money. This helpful video offers a few key tips that may help you speed up your workflow and save precious minutes every time you sit down to process your RAW files. The tips were put together by Pye at SLR Lounge , and all but one apply whether you’re using a keyboard and mouse, or trying out an editing console like the Loupedeck, which Pye uses throughout his demonstration. Here’s a list so you can see all six tips at-a-glance: Shoot in Manual – This allows you to keep exposure consistent for every scene, making batch processing much easier. Batch Process By Scene Or Lighting – Basic tip, but important: there’s no need to edit each photo individually when you can batch scenes or lighting conditions together. Create Presets Based On Common Lighting – Depending on your genre, chances are you run into similar lighting conditions regularly. Cre...